Saturday, January 29, 2011

Out of all the things that happened at Gather – the cold, the power outages, the lack of oxygen, etc, etc, the thing I will remember the most is my time in small group. I was lucky enough to be placed in the world’s most incredible small group. Starting on the second day, we began bonding at a very accelerated pace, and by the end of Gather, we were planning extra small group sessions, and even planning ways to get all of us together in the future. Aside from having this amazing ‘family’ the scenery was beautiful, and the crew I traveled with was pretty awesome too.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

December in Colorado= COLD and fun!

Well as cold as the trip was, and it wasn't just cold, it was " about three hours we will get all the way up to 0 degrees" cold. The trip was well worth having to bundle up every day. Meeting new people, seeing friends from the previous Gather as well as other Campus pastors was fun too. The speakers were amazing. My favorite was definitely Melissa Loya given that hers was on biblical Hebrew, but that is one of my interests anyways. She talked about how closely related we are to nature and to God. Specifically how the name Adam in Hebrew actually means dirt, or earth- that from which the creation stories tell us we are made of. Another fun fact is that God breathes air into Adam's nostrils right? Well the Hebrew word means "breath, wind, spirit". Connection to God, nature, and humans anyone? Anyways back from the bunny trail. For anyone who goes in the future- you have to try rolling down a big hill. So much fun! (just make sure your phone is not in your pocket and will not fall out of it :) ) Anyways- it was an awesome week. :) I hope everyone has a chance to go and or go again! :)
Taylor Bailey

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Written thoughts by Amelie

Having looked over my Vlog, I decided to add some more written thoughts to better express my experience at the Episcopal College Student Gathering.  Here we go:

Colorado was so amazing.  It was my first time in the snow!  The  
entire trip was one adventure after another.  Even the blackout meant  
that we got to eat by candlelight, which was awesome :) I plan on  
staying at TLU another 2 years so I can go again! Not really, but that  
would be ideal.

My favorite part, which I didn't get to record, was my small group.   
We used each topic as a jumping platform to talk about whatever we  
wanted.  I have never had such an amazing small group.  We talked  
about everything from the music and type of pie we like (did you know  
that if you eat pie from crust to tip, you can make a wish on the  
tip?) to Christian responsibility towards to environment and  
religion's role in relationships, sex, and sexual ethics.  I may even  
be staying with a couple of my small group peers when I visit Chicago  
for seminary.

I also got to talk to one of the priests, who I don't think I can  
thank enough for his insight into the process of becoming ordained.  I  
learned so much in just talking with him for half an hour, and it made  
such a difference in how I approach the entire process.
So, basically, the snow and cold were fun, but ultimately, it was the  
people that I met, and the relationships I cultivated that really made  
this trip super special to me.

<3 Amelie

(Amelie's VideoBlog) Going home

I hope that you all have enjoyed the Vlog, or Video Blog...or..whatever. This is the last post, made from the bus.

(I think I look like Snooki in the thumbnail, but I'm not going to change it.)

(Amelie's VideoBlog) Happy New Year!

(Amelie's VideoBlog) Blackout update

(Amelie's VideoBlog) Blackout!

(Amelie's VideoBlog) Day 4

(Amelie's VideoBlog) Snow!

(Amelie's VideoBlog) Day 3

(Amelie's VideoBlog) More Exodus

They gave me a tambourine. You don't say no to tambourines.

(Amelie's VideoBlog) More skating

(Amelie's VideoBlog) CO trip 2 was filmed sideways. I do this often. Sorry.

(Amelie's VideoBlog) Colorado message 1

Amelie's VideoBlog

Hi guys.  I have been keeping a video blog for all of your enjoyment.  As I was unable to add these at the time, I will be adding them all at once on here.  Enjoy!
